Stay Connected! 1.3 for Microsoft Windows 95/NT Release Date: April 12, 1997 Fixed: We have changed the default host to an Atomic Clock server at due to a request from Best Internet reporting that we have placed a strain on Best Internet's system resources and may have degraded Best Internet's services. We strongly encourage you to set your default host to your local ISP to avoid situations like this from happening again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stay Connected! 1.2a for Microsoft Windows 95/NT Release Date: March 21, 1997 Fixed: AOL browser pops up a message "You have been online for xx minutes. Do you want to stay online? Please click OK in 10 minutes or you will be logged off." Stay Connected! v1.2 release was not aware of this message, rather, we reacted to a message "You have been idle for a while. Do you want to stay online?" by clicking the "Yes" button. With this release, we are able to click both "Yes" and "OK" on behalf of the user. Fixed: Even when AOL browser is not present, the two bars are showing a misleading Aqua (Cyan) color rather than 2 red bars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stay Connected! 1.2 for Microsoft Windows 95/NT Release Date: March 12, 1997 New! This is probably the most frequently asked question, "Does Stay Connected! work with America Online?" YES! This release is solely for the sake of this popular request. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stay Connected! 1.1 for Microsoft Windows 95/NT Release Date: February 26, 1997 New! This is probably the most important feature of this release. We have added HTTP protocol to improve the dropped connection situation for some users. In the previous version, many users were still disconnected even after checking all tag services. This is due to ISPs detecting browser activities only. If there isn't any browser activity, ISPs assume that the subscriber is not surfing the net. Didn't you have experience downloading a large file just to find out that your ISP disconnected you in the middle of the download session? New! Added user specified port to cater for users accessing through a proxy server or firewall, as well as specific sites with specific services like IRC, MSN. New! As a convenience for users to register the software, a browser shortcut icon is added to the folder. Users can also register via the newly added menu item "Register Via Internet." Internet registration is the preferred choice as the operation is fully automated 24 hours/day, 7 days a week, and registration reply is instantaneous. New! Added more help instructions in the help file to assist beginners. New! Added a startup screen with evaluation period countdown so that users are aware of the unregistered evaluation period. Registered users have the option to disable this startup screen. New! Added a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) to answer the most commonly asked questions. New! Added this whatsnew.txt Fixed: Unreliable winsock operation with Windows 95 causes some modems to hang completely. Hard reboot is required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stay Connected! 1.0 for Microsoft Windows 95/NT Release Date: October 22, 1996 Initial Release